About Us
Hi everybody, my name is Karl Schwartz and I was born and raised in Alaska, but have lived in Montana for over 25 years. I graduated from Montana State University with a bachelors and masters degree in education. I have taught technology, web design, graphic design, engineering, computer animation and photography for 20 years.
Bozeman Creative was created to offer graphic design services for fly shops and to sell original fishing and fish related art. However, I also have experience with other art, product design, drafting and landscape design. I love my job teaching at Bozeman High School and am committed to spreading creativity, teaching technology and encouraging an appreciation of art. My students are very talented and inspiring to be around; I talk to them often about following their dreams, so I can only practice what I preach and do what I love!
Beyond the working world, I enjoy being outside. If I had to give up all my hobbies except for one, I would pick fishing. I have been fishing since I could sit up on my own in a boat and it is something that I long for all year. I grew up fishing salmon in Alaska, moved to Montana and got hooked on fly-fishing. I have been fishing rivers and lakes in Montana since I moved here. I have also enjoyed several “destination” fishing trips including Ascension Bay, Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Cabo San Lucas, Ixtapa, Mexico, Hawaii, Washington State, Idaho, Wyoming, Wisconsin, Louisiana and Alaska. I have pursued many species of fish and caught quite a few. There are still a lot more species I need to get, but I can continue working on it for the rest of my life.
The good news is that I can have more than one hobby, so I also enjoys tying flies, building fishing rods, creating fish art, hunting, skiing, other art and fishing…
I think I have a fishing problem.
Thanks for visiting.